Spectro Cloud Palette for App Developers

The Spectro Cloud Palette for App Developers booklet offers an in-depth look at how Palette simplifies Kubernetes management, allowing app developers to focus on building and refining applications rather than configuring infrastructure. By leveraging Cluster Profiles, which serve as blueprints for infrastructure stacks, developers can ensure their Kubernetes clusters maintain consistent performance across multiple environments, including cloud, on-prem, bare metal, and edge.Palette Virtual Clusters are a key feature for developers, providing rapid spin-up times for clusters that mimic a full Kubernetes environment but launch within seconds, ideal for continuous integration and development (CI/CD) workflows. This cuts down on the typical delays associated with waiting for environments to be ready, allowing developers to quickly test their apps in sandbox environments without the lengthy provisioning process.Another critical tool for developers is the Palette Dev Engine, which includes a catalog of pre-approved services and templates that developers can leverage for faster deployment and testing. These tools are monitored and managed by operations teams, ensuring compliance with corporate standards while giving developers the freedom to innovate without unnecessary operational overhead.The booklet highlights Palette’s flexibility, allowing developers to choose specific components, such as Ambassador for ingress or Prometheus for monitoring, ensuring that their preferred tools are easily integrated. Overall, Palette is built to streamline app development, offering automation, speed, and flexibility in a Kubernetes-driven environment, making the lives of developers easier and enabling them to spend more time on what matters: building and enhancing their applications​. Palette Dev Engine is a featureset in Palettedesigned specifically for app developers like you.It is designed to shave hours off the boring partsof building your app, giving you a catalog ofservices and templates to call on before youdeploy and test, all approved and monitored byyour ops team so it’s corporate friendly