Kubernetes on bare metal: ready for prime time!

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About this talk

While Kubernetes enjoys widespread adoption, most deployments are still happening on virtual platforms.

AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack and of course vSphere when it comes to private data centers… they’re all virtual platforms.

But do you really need virtualization to run Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is plenty capable of running enterprise workloads with high availability, and bare metal hardware is excellent for running them at scale and high performance.

Just ask Super League Gaming, which runs thousands of Minecraft servers on our bare metal Kubernetes platform!

But what about virtual machines? With the licensing costs of vSphere 8.0 rumored to quadruple, companies are naturally exploring alternatives. Kubernetes on bare metal, together with Kubevirt and some management tools, can be a great cost-effective solution to your vSphere license headache.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

- Exactly what bare metal Kubernetes is, and how to decide whether it’s right for you and your workloads (containerized and VMs)

- The challenges and pitfalls in adopting K8s on bare metal that you need to know about

- The state of the art in bare metal solutions like Metal as a Service (MAAS) from Canonical

- How to get started today

Whether you’re considering bare metal Kubernetes for the first time, or looking to see what’s new, this is the webinar for you. We’ll share insights learned deploying some of the largest bare metal Kubernetes projects in the world, and insider perspectives from our partners at Canonical.

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Hosted by

Kevin Reeuwijk
Principal Solution Architect

Kevin comes from a lengthy background in infrastructure automation. With containers eating the world, Kevin shifted his focus to Kubernetes as the platform of choice for scalable infrastructure automation. Previously at Puppet, he was a Principal Architect that helped customers introduce desired state enforcement to control their traditional infrastructures. This was a great primer for Kubernetes, as that also is designed heavily around the concept of desired state enforcement. Prior to Puppet, Kevin was a Technology Officer at KPN Corporate Market, responsible for technology strategy in the managed services and datacenter space.